Mileage Tax Pilot Program

AB483 Pilot Program to Implement a MILEAGE TAX on Vehicles 

AB483 passed the 2019 Nevada Legislature during the last few days of the Session. It passed the Assembly on May 31 and the Senate on the last day June 3, 2019. It is now the law.

AB483 is a Pilot Program being conducted by the DMV in preparation for the implementation of a MILEAGE TAX on Vehicles. It could be implemented as soon as 2021 when the Legislature is in Session again.

It was hiding in plain site with a deceptive bill title of “Revises provisions relating to motor vehicles.” It was given an exemption. The bill appropriates $121,142 for computer programming for the DMV.

The bill requires that the DMV collect annual vehicle miles traveled for motor vehicles registered in this state. In addition to mileage, the program also requires that the DMV collect the type of vehicle and fuel system. The mileage on the odometer is required at the time of the initial registration, renewal and transfer of registration. In Clark and Washoe where smog tests are required the mileage will be collected when the vehicle is smogged and then transferred to the DMV. In all the other counties it will be collected when the annual vehicle registration is required.

This bill includes essentially all vehicles that use “compressed natural gas, diesel, electric, hybrids….gasoline/gasohol…” etc. Motorcycles are exempt.

The DMV must begin collecting information not later than December 31, 2019 with reports sent to the Legislature or Legislative Counsel Bureau every six months.

The most telling part of the bill is Section 2, 1. a), which reads:

“Sec. 2. 1. a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (a) The State faces major financial challenges to adequately fund the construction and maintenance of the highways of this State as revenues from taxes imposed on fuel, at both the state and federal level, long used to fund construction and maintenance of the highways of this State and many other states, have declined primarily because of the improved efficiency of the motor vehicles operated on the highways of this State.

(b) The Legislature must seek significant and innovative solutions in order to meet the challenges of adequately funding the construction and maintenance of the highways of this State into the future, among them the concept of basing revenue collection on the annual vehicle miles traveled by each vehicle using the highways of this State.

2. The Legislature therefore directs the Department of Motor Vehicles to conduct a pilot program to gather data on annual vehicle miles traveled and other relevant information for certain motor vehicles registered in this State.”

Voting Record on AB483: 

All Democrats in the Assembly and Senate voted for the bill.

Assembly Republicans voting YES:

John Hambrick, Melissa Hardy, Glen Leavitt, Tom Roberts, and Jill Tolles.

Assembly Republicans voting NO:

Chris Edwards, John Ellison, Greg Hafen, Alexis Hansen, Al Kramer, Lisa Krasner, Robin Titus and Jim Wheeler.

Senate Republican voting Yes:

Pete Goicoechea, Ben Kieckhefer, Keith Pickard, and Heidi Gansert.

Senate Republicans voting NO:

Scott Hammond, Ira Hansen, Joe Hardy, James Settelmeyer.

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