SB394: Another Property TAX Increase!
Goes above the Cap

Hearing Tuesday, April 11, 1 p.m.

All the Educrats will be there asking for more money!
SB294 because it raises taxes requires a 2/3rds majority vote.  
Senate Revenue and Economic Development
Carson: Nevada Legislative Bldg. 1214 (large hearing room on first floor)
Las Vegas: Videoconferenced to Room 4412 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building, 555 E. Washington Ave.
To provide Testimony online: Dial (888) 475-4499 on the date of the meeting. When prompted, provide Meeting ID 85367464841 and then press #. When prompted for a Participant ID, press #. To resolve any issues related to calling in to provide testimony, please call (775) 684- 9990.
Submit your opinion to the Legislature at the bottom of the page. https://www.leg.state.nv.us/App/NELIS/REL/82nd2023/Bill/10377/Opinions
Submit written Testimony in PDF: SenRED@sen.state.nv.us
Explanation SB394: Requires each County Commission to increase property taxes for schools by an additional 10 cents for each $100 of assessed valuation. Currently it is 75 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation for schools. It also allows the property tax in a county to go above the property tax cap. Nevada Schools rank 49th in the nation. California ranks 15th. More money will not help the schools until there is a fundamental change in the curriculum and accountability of teachers, principles, superintendents and students. We need to get rid of all remnants of the renamed Common Core Curriculum, return systematic intensive phonics, English grammar and literature, regular useful math, cursive hand writing, and traditional American History. Per pupil spending in Nevada was raised for this school year to $12,406. No more money for the failing government schools!
According to the Institute for Policy Innovation in the United States, the total U.S. tax burden including federal, state, local taxes and hidden taxes is equal to 56 percent of annual personal consumption spending. 56% is more than a person spends on housing, food, health care, transportation, education and recreation. How can people possibly take care of themselves and our families when government takes 56% of our income?
MESSAGE:Vote NO on SB394 a property tax increase for the schools. We don’t want any more money going to the failed public schools. Nevada schools ranks 49th in the nation. The schools need fundamental change in curriculum and accountability for teachers, principals and superintendents. With taxes and inflation already so high, we can’t afford more taxes. (Or better yet write your own message.)
Chair: Dina Neal: 775-684-1429
Vice Chair: Fabian Donate: 775-684-1427
Pat Spearman: 775-684-1424
Carrie Buck: 775-684-1457
Republican Senate Minority Leader Heidi Gansert: 775-684-1419
How many taxes do you really pay “Hidden Taxes”:https://www.ipi.org/ipi_issues/detail/hidden-taxes-how-much-do-you-really-pay
Nevada 49th in the Nation in Education


April 10, 2023 In the Year of our Lord
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