Be Aware of These Dangerous Ballot Questions!

Our Ballot Questions have been released for this election cycle and are dangerous. As people who love Nevada, you should Vote ‘NO’ to these three changes to Nevada’s Constitution. 

Courageous young female extend hand in stop gesture saying no No. Courageous young female extend hand in stop gesture oppose against domestic sexual violence abuse racial gender discrimination. Millennial lady rebel against violation of women rights. Copy space no stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images                                    

  • Question Number 1, titled ERA, is an attack on women. Forget the title, ERA, we are all guaranteed equal rights at this time, but this strips away Women’s rights. If this initiative passes this time, it will be an amendment to our Constitution. Here is part of the language for the proposed amendment: “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by this State or any of its political subdivisions on account of race, color, creed, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, GENDER IDENTITY OR EXPRESSION, AGE, disability ancestry or national origin.” Trans Genders will be allowed in girls’ showers, play girls’ sports, etc. Go to, the Central Committee’s website or visit their office to see the flyer regarding what this means to our daughters and granddaughters. We must vote ‘NO’ on Question 1.                                                                                                                    
  • Question 2 Relates to a Minimum Wage increase. We do not need the government to regulate wages as the economy naturally dictates the wage rate for a job by competition. Employers with this wage increase forced on them will either lay people off or pass these costs onto the consumer. As a great example, McDonald’s is moving towards automated food serving instead of having a live person assisting customers. They will need fewer employees. Therefore, as Republicans, we should Vote ‘NO’ on this initiative. 
  • Question 3 will ensure Nevadans become an eastern part of California, so we must vote ‘NO’ on this initiative. Understand, this is California’s Voting System. Question 3 reads: Shall the Nevada Constitution be amended to allow all Nevada voters the right to participate in open primary elections to choose candidates for the general election in which all voters may then rank the remaining candidates by a preference for the offices of U.S. Senators, U.S. Representatives, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, Attorney General, and State Legislators?  Several states have tried this system, and it did not work. California uses rank voting, and we all see what has happened to that failed state. Therefore, we must all vote ‘NO’ on Question 3.   

Please share with every potential voter you know.  The definitions are intentionally misleading to lead voters to believe it’s good for them. Vote ‘NO’ on all three questions.



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