We meet on the Third Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Casino Fandango Grand Ballroom
Janine Hansen of Nevada Families for Freedom has published an excellent step-by-step guide for how you can participate in the…
Some people have reported having trouble finding us on the internet. If you just type in CCRW, you will find lots…
Susan Ruch, Legislative Chair LEGISLATIVE CRIER Bill AB 321 is being heard again on April 1. This bill destroys our Voter…
Legislative Update – Susan Ruch, CCRW Legislative Chair In today’s political climate and with all the legislation being introduced in…
The Carson City Republican Party urges you to let your legislators know how you feel! The first key date is…
In December 2020, Anita Kornoff took over responsibility as the club’s social media committee chair. This is primarily our CCRWClub.com…
In spite of last year’s turbulence, I think CCRW ended the year on the highest of notes. Anyone who…
March 4 CCRW BOD meeting @ Glen EaglesMarch 14 Daylight Savings Time beginsMarch 16 CCRW Luncheon @ Glen EaglesMarch 17…